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MS in landscape architecture


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Transcript: Non-US Institutions Applicants completing undergraduate and/or graduate degrees from institutions outside of the United States or that have completed more than one year of study for credit at a non-US institution are required to submit a BASIC course-by-course evaluation from World Education Services. http://www.wes.org/. You do not need to send us an official transcript from your school. If you are admitted to your program before you have received your undergraduate degree, you will be required to submit a second WES evaluation or upgrade showing your conferred degree prior to entering the School of Design in the fall. Curriculum Vitae: You must upload a résumé including employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors. Personal Statement: You must upload a personal statement, no more than 500 words long, describing your background, interest in your field, and your academic and career objectives. Your personal statement should describe your background, your interest in the field to which you are applying, and your academic and career objectives. You should be as specific as you can about the area in which you plan to study. If you are an MFA applicant, you should include your ideas, as well as the stylistic and conceptual priorities for your work. Recommendation Letter: You must submit three letters of recommendation with at least two from college instructors. Applicants who have been out of school for several years may submit recommendations from employers or others in a position to evaluate their professional abilities and academic potential. You will need your evaluators’ e-mail addresses when you fill out the recommendation section of the application. Digital Portfolio: A digital portfolio must be submitted for applicants to Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Fine Arts and Urban Design programs. Applicants to the Master of City Planning with a Concentration in Urban Design are strongly encouraged to submit a portfolio of their design work although it is not required. All work in the portfolio, including images and concepts, must be original material created by you, and should be identified as academic, professional, or personal. If professional or team projects are included in the portfolio, you must clearly identify your specific role and responsibility in the production of the project. Labels and writing should clearly explain the work. Paper portfolios are not accepted.Architecture and Landscape Architecture Portfolios Every applicant to the Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Design, Master of Environmental Building Design, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Science in Architecture, or PhD in Architecture program is required to submit a digital portfolio. Paper portfolios will NOT be accepted, and if submitted, will not be returned. The portfolio is a synopsis of one's creative work. As a visual essay, it tells a story of a person's interests, skills, and development over time. It should include projects that best express one's visual, spatial, and constructional abilities. These projects might include drawings, paintings, sculpture, or photography; graphic, industrial, or interior design; architectural, landscape, or urban design. The faculty who evaluate the portfolios look less for competence in architectural or landscape architectural design and more for a coherent demonstration of visual and spatial abilities expressed through a basic understanding of material and construction. Applicants to the MEBD and MSD should include at least five fully developed projects done solely by the person submitting the portfolio; other group work can be added. The digital portfolio should be formatted as one PDF document no larger than 10 MB, with no more than 20 pages (maximum page size 10 x 12") or 10 pages (maximum 10 x 24") if you use spreads. Cover pages or table of contents do not count towards total pages. We suggest that you keep the format consistent. For instance, if you are using spreads, use all spreads. If you are using pages, don't mix in spreads. Once your application is submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your portfolio or upload a new one. Writing Sample: Applicants to M.S. in Architecture, M.S. in Historic Preservation, Master of Science in Design with a concentration in Advanced Architectural Design, Master of Environmental Building Design, and Ph.D. programs must submit a writing sample. M.S. in Architecture and Ph.D. applicants must submit an essay or research report in English on the subject of their field of specialization. M.S. in Historic Preservation applicants must submit an essay or research report related to Historic Preservation and/or the history of the built environment. Applicants to the Master of Environmental Building Design and Master of Science in Design degrees must submit one sample of writing and a description of their computing skills and software proficiency. The latter can be either a paragraph or a list. These writing samples can be examples of papers you have already written or they can be prepared new for the application. We suggest that each sample should be no more than 10 pages.
学位要求:Bachelor 申请链接:http://www.design.upenn.edu/graduate-admissions/how-apply 招生电话:215.898.6520 招生邮箱:[email protected]
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