

【特约撰稿】 “Jon,你在哈佛学到什么了?”

2015/07/07 14:26:14 编辑: 浏览次数:586 移动端
  “结交那些更有价值、更有成就的人,扩展你的人脉,建立起自己的圈子,并且视其为终生的伙伴,这就是为什么我非要去名校深造的缘由——因为那里人才汇集。”-----江帆 Jon Frank(傲美达首席执行官)

作为澳际美国名校-傲美达(Admissionado)CEO·Jon Frank不仅毕业于美国两所知名的常春藤盟校(布朗大学本科、哈佛商学院MBA),更精通各所顶尖院校的申请。要知道最开始他可是在房地产行业摸爬滚打了十年,不仅创立了自己的第一个公司,而且任职于全球最大房地产公司。他还精通音乐,曾经在哈佛办过自己的小型音乐会。员工形容他“专业”、“极具领导才能”、“性格好”,这样的人,仿佛就是上帝精心打造的“产品”,家教良好、高智商、幽默风趣、才华横溢。可是他谦虚地称,“我只是一个很努力的人”。

  When I was growing up as a young boy, my mom told me that I could do anything that I wanted to do at all, in the world…so long as I made a lot of money. This set off a string of interesting events.

  When I was applying to undergraduate universities, I knew that I wanted to go to Brown University. Why? Actually, I had no good reason. I knew a few people who had gone there, and I was familiar with Brown as “the cool Ivy League school,” where people were more than just smart—they were interesting, independent, unusual. Brown has a reputation for attracting people who are socially active, non-conformist…and cool. And I wanted to be like that! I visited of course, and felt perfectly at home there. So when I got into Brown, Early Action, I was thrilled.

  At Brown I majored in Urban Studies—I always was very excited by real estate. By building buildings. And I wanted to build some of my own. I thought to myself, “If I could build big buildings in my life, now that would also be very cool.”

  But unfortunately, after graduating from Brown, I found that my first job at ING in real estate was bad. It was boring, focused entirely on numbers, and unexciting. When I applied to Harvard University for their MBA program in 2005, I actually wanted to get OUT of the real estate business.

  People often ask me, “Jon, what did you learn at Harvard?” And to be honest, I remember very little of what was taught to me in class. Yes, I took finance courses, marketing, etc. I studied successful companies like Dell and Apple, and worked on my homework til late in the night. But actually, what I learned at business school had nothing to do with the course materials themselves.

  Actually, above all else, I learned three things at Harvard Business School:
  1) Sometimes, you just need to TALK. 100% of HBS’ grade structure is based on class participation. It doesn’t matter how you do on homework, there are few to no tests, all that REALLY matters is that you raise your hand and speak in class. Now keep in mind, this can be quite difficult to do! You are surrounded by the smartest people on earth—it is hard (especially for Chinese people) to feel confident enough to speak. So lesson #1 was, to get a good grade at HBS, and perhaps “to be successful in life,” sometimes you just need to TALK. To speak. To be confident, bold, and come out with your opinions, no matter how “smart” you deem them to be. Given the choice between outspoken and smart, in business, I would take outspoken every time.
  1)有些时候,你只是需要去说。哈佛商学院的学分结构100%源于课堂参与。老师并不在乎你是怎么做作业的,而且有些甚至没有考试,但是他们往往看重的是你在课堂上举手发言的积极表现。你需要知道,这其实是件很难的事情。你被地球上最聪明的人所簇拥、包围,因此你很难非常自信地去发言(尤其是中国人)。所以,如果你想在哈佛商学院取得很好的分数,或者 “在日后生活中获得成功”,你需要上的第一课就是说话——说,自信地说,大胆地说,连带你的观点,无所谓对他人而言你是否够聪明,在直言不讳与聪明这两者间,在商业里我每次的选择永远是前者。

  2) Figure out what you’re GOOD at. I think about it as “the airplane test.” The next time you’re on an airplane, look around you. What are you better than everyone else on the plane, at? Talking? Math? Science? I did the same test with myself inside the HBS classroom…but there of course, is even more intense. These are the smartest people on earth. So lesson #2 is, if you can find something that you are better at than they are…DO IT PROFESSIONALLY. You will be successful in your career. For me, that thing was leadership. Even compared to everyone else in that classroom, I was a better leader than they were. That was a very, very valuable lesson.

  3) The key to business is PEOPLE. It doesn’t actually matter how good you are at math, science, finance, marketing, etc. At some point, you will be able to hire people to take on those smaller roles. What is even more important, is PEOPLE. Meeting great people, contacts, networking, and building (in your mind) the team that you can take with you for the rest of your life. This, by the way, is why it is so important to go to the best school you can get into: that’s where the most successful people will be.

  Harvard was an amazing choice for me. The school was big (over 900 students per year in the MBA program alone), which gave me a ton of great people to connect with. Finance people, real estate people, creative types, non-profit types…everyone. I also have gotten a great deal of mileage, of course, from the name brand. Everywhere I go, I can tell people that I got into Harvard and went there—and they are impressed. To say that this opens doors is an understatement! I also got into Stanford’s MBA program, which is actually harder to get into, and in some circles “more fancy.” But Harvard is a better choice for me, especially given my decision to come to China.

  When I decided to quit my real estate career after ten years, I had been very successful, and very lucky in the business. I purchased three multifamily properties in the Chicago area (which I still own and operate), and I had the chance to take a giant step back. “What do I want to DO when I grow up?” Sure I was already over 30, but thanks largely to Harvard and the career (and security) that it provided, I could now chart my next course.

  So for my next career, I launched the company Admissionado. I didn’t want to build buildings anymore, I wanted to help students to build their dreams. At first we had no designs on the China market, we set ourselves up to help American kids get into US-based schools. But after two years, we looked at our list of clients: over half of them were based in mainland China! Ai ya, that was quite a surprise! So I moved to China, eventually met up with Aoji, and the rest is history.

  We are very proud of our track record, and the fact that over 96% of our clients are accepted into top 50 universities. Nobody in China (or anywhere in the world, for that matter) can boast such an fective track record.

  My time in the real estate business led me to one huge realization: I do not love building buildings, I love building the futures of our students-and inspiring them to craft their own futures. This is the thing that I can do, perhaps better than anyone on an airplane, better than anyone even at Harvard Business School.

  By going first to Brown University, and later to Harvard University, I have given myself the chance to do, well...pretty much whatever I want to do. In one word, what did my elite education give me? Well that’s an easy one: FREEDOM. With this freedom, today, I have chosen to inspire and help countless Chinese students, looking for the same thing I was when I went to school. My goal in life is to help them have the same freedom that I have achieved for myself.

  So in conclusion, to all the aspiring college kids out there, aspiring grad school kids, I have three pieces of advice to offer:

  1) Go to the best school you can get into, period. And don’t do it just for the classes, or to “learn” anything, necessarily. Do it because of the PEOPLE you will meet there. THEY are the key to your success.

  2) Focus on short-term goals. Not long-term goals. What do I mean? Well think about it—what 16 year old knows exactly what he wants to do for the next…40 years? Aiyo! Nobody does—I am 36 and I still don’t know what I will be doing 20, 30 years from now. It is good enough, for now, to focus on short term goals. Long term goals freeze people, especially people in China, who often have little exposure to the broader world around them. So mei wenti, don’t get frozen. Put one foot in front of the other, and give yourself a break. Go to the best school you can get into—and the next steps will reveal themselves soon enough. Don’t be afraid push the big decisions back, until you are more confident, and have more information. From Brown, from Harvard…you’ll be able to do whatever you want to do anyway. You can decide later.

  Be realistic. Too many students, especially in China, are enamored with unrealistic advice. “Just follow your dreams, and everything will work out for you!” I do not believe this—I believe in learning the rules of the game, and then playing the game…to win. How do you get into a great school? Ask an expert, then follow his advice. Never lie, but don’t be afraid to stretch the truth to show your greatest strengths. Are you from an accounting background, and you want to switch into fashion? Okay, lets dig in, and solve it one step at a time. There IS a way to do it, but the strategy will require more than just “following your dreams.” Don’t just pursue your dreams wildly—be smart, patient, realistic, and learn the rules of the game. Play to win my friends.

  We at Admissionado are so excited to be here, working with Aoji to help kids achieve their dreams. Please stop by our offices in Beijing or Shanghai to say hello—we are here to help!
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