


2018/06/19 15:11:43 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:4345 移动端

华威大学通知:所有持有offer的Tier 4签证学生,因为2018/19年度大学一年的Master课程设置正好是一年零一天,因为现阶段政府在出签证时还会默认添加6个月的工作时间,因此学生需要支付18个月零一天的IHS医疗附加费用,而根据https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/immigration/tier4/applying/healthsurcharge/的收费方法,这种情况下应该按照两年来支付。 为了避免默认课程给学生带来的不必要的额外六个月费用,大学现在对开课和结课时间进行了调整,具体如下: Course start date: 1st October 2018 Course end date: 30th September 2019

Dear In February this year, we wrote to international students who had enquired, applied, or been made an offer to study a 1-year Master’s degree at the University of Warwick for the academic year 2018/19, to share the good news that Warwick had been chosen by UKVI (UK Home Office Visas & Immigration) to join the Tier 4 Pilot Scheme (https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/immigration/tier4/applying/t4pilot/). Being part of the pilot scheme means that if you accept an unconditional offer to start a 1-year Master’s course in the academic year 2018/19, and you require a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa to study in the UK, you are automatically eligible for this scheme and will be able to benefit from a more straightforward visa application process. You will also receive a longer visa with 6 additional months added after your expected course end date, which can be used for gaining work experience in the UK. We are aware that the standard course duration for a one year Master’s degree for the academic year 2018/19 is currently set at one year and one day. This means Tier 4 students who receive 6 additional months as part of the Tier 4 Pilot Scheme, will need to pay Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) for 18 months and 1 day when they apply for their Tier 4 visa. This will be rounded up to 2 years according to the way the Immigration Health Surcharge is currently calculated (https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/immigration/tier4/applying/healthsurcharge/). To avoid Tier 4 students having to pay an additional 6 months of Immigration Health Surcharge due to the default course duration, a decision has been made that the course end date will be adjusted to avoid students having to pay higher charges unnecessarily. This is an administrative decision and does not affect anything else about your application or offer. For your information the start and end date of the course you have applied for is now as follows: Course start date: 1st October 2018 Course end date: 30th September 2019 This email is for information only and does not require a response. However, if you have any further queries, please use the following contact details: The Immigration Service Team at https://warwick.ac.uk/study/international/immigration/current/connect/form/ For queries relating to your application/offer, please contact: wmg-admissions

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